There are some great websites for breast feeding, childbirth, parenting and homeschooling. These are just a few of my favorites.

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Childbirth Web Sites
Blessing Ways
Something a little different to pamper mom!
Doula Services Provided by Lani Zavala
Lani is a wonderful caring mom and doula. Read more about her and her services.
Emergency Childbirth
Learn how to handle childbirth without medical assistance. This is a little medical oriented, but has some good information.
Get lots of information and support from BirthLove.
Breastfeeding Websites
Great resource for Breast Feeding support and education.
Get advice from one of the most trusted pediatricians in the world on child development and breast feeding.
101 Reasons to breast feed your baby
Galactalgogues Good For Increasing Mother's Milk
A list of herbs to help increase milk supply.
Tom Hale's
Book is a standard reference on medications while lactating.
Growth Charts
For breastfed babies. Most growth charts are based on formula feeding.
Breast Feeding links of interest
Cost Benefits of Breastfeeding
As if the nutritional benefits weren't enough!
Dr. Jack Newman's Articles
Lots of great breastfeeding information here. Take a little time to browse around her site.